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Linux (Docker)

Prerequisite: Docker

If you're on Ubuntu, it's one $ sudo apt install away. For other distros, see instructions.

We have two Docker start examples available:

  • Direct $ docker run ... command
  • Docker Compose file
    • If you're not familiar with this, you might want to start with the run command. You can switch to using the Compose file later if you want.

Start Varasto


docker run -d --name varasto \
    --restart always \
    -v varasto-db:/varasto-db \
    -v /mnt/varasto:/mnt/varasto:shared \
    -v /dev:/dev:ro \
    --privileged \
    --device /dev/fuse \
    -p 443:443 \
Explanations for the Docker options

The options are documented in the Docker Compose file (the other tab)

Save as docker-compose.yml:

version: "3.5"
    image: fn61/varasto
    restart: always          # restart on crashes
    - SYS_ADMIN              # for FUSE support. these are not required if you have "privileged: true"
    - MKNOD                  # (but are IF you remove privileged because you don't need SMART support)
    - /dev/fuse              # for FUSE support
    privileged: true         # for SMART support
    - "443:443"              # Varasto network port (https). Change first number if you have this reserved
    - type: volume
      source: varasto-db     # Varasto state. Useful to be a named volume so version updates are easier.
      target: /varasto-db
    - type: bind
      source: /mnt/varasto
      target: /mnt/varasto
        propagation: shared  # For sub-mounts (FUSE) to be visible to the host
    - type: bind
      source: /dev           # SMART support requires access to raw disks
      target: /dev
      read_only: true
    # so docker-compose won't try to generate the concrete volume based on this .yml file's
    # directory. (not much else reason than to prevent directory rename from starting
    # with a new database when you're updating Varasto)
    external: true

Then start Varasto:

docker-compose up -d

After Varasto is started

Now you can navigate your browser to https://localhost/. (You'll have to approve the "insecure certificate" warning.)

Version pinning

We offer both:

  • The latest tag (always points to latest stable release)
    • Docker defaults to this when just running image without a specific tag - which is what our examples in this page did.
  • Version-specific image tags

If you want to be explicit about the version (version pinning), replace fn61/varasto with fn61/varasto:<version>. The version names are the same as our release names.


If you visit our Docker Hub page it will also have development builds there. To be safe, only use the stable releases from the releases page!


Varasto doesn't start or I can't reach its Web UI

Check the logs to see what's the problem:

docker logs varasto
docker logs varasto_varasto_1