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TLS 1 Test Write [MiB/s] Read [MiB/s]
One large file 2 299.2 220
Many small files TODO TODO
☑️ One large file 209.0 162

Measured inside a VirtualBox Ubuntu Linux VM (host: Windows 10). VM had access to 6 threads, CPU (AMD Ryzen 5 2400G, not a top-spec CPU) had 8 threads.

Notes on benchmarks

TODO: include client benchmarks

Currently the benchmark focuses on the server component alone, i.e. the Varasto client is not included in the benchmark (we're using $ curl as the client so TCP/HTTP overhead is accounted though).

Future performance focus

Varasto hasn't had much performance tuning done, so there may be major improvements down the line.

Architecture improvements may improve performance

Varasto has client-server architecture. Currently the server does most of the expensive operations like:

  • calculating sha-256 hashes
  • encryption

These will be moved to the client, and that will make the server's job considerably easier (= increase server's read/write speed).

If you have:

  • Just a single client to a single server, this won't make much of a difference overall (assuming they have similar CPU performance OR are the same machine).

  • Many clients, then this future change will increase the overall throughput since most of the heavy work will be outsourced to the clients.

Testing methodology

Write testing

  • Uploader ($ curl) reads a cached file from RAM

    • To not measure my particular disk speed/latency
  • Varasto writes to a RAMdisk via Varasto's LocalFS blob driver

    • To not measure my particular disk speed/latency
  • The API has a special endpoint for file uploads from browser (/fileupload). That endpoint doesn't use parallelization in Varasto's master branch - so for benchmarking I patched it to support parallelization because that's more closely in line with the standard interface (POST /blobs/{ref}) which supports parallelization.

    • This discrepancy will get addressed when we start benchmarking from the actual client.


$ fname="VID_20190310_140702.mp4" && curl -X POST --data-binary @$fname "http://localhost/api_v2/collections/EQi_3OhROUs/fileupload?mtime=1522337989000&filename=$fname"

Read testing

We'll read the same large file from Varasto that we previously wrote. Varasto reads it from RAMdisk (but still does the usual decryption + integrity verification).


$ curl http://localhost/api_v2/collections/EQi_3OhROUs/head/dl?file=VID_20190310_140702.mp4 | pv > /dev/null

  1. Whether the transport between the client and the server was https 

  2. 595 MiB file