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Linux (manual)

Download suitable binary from the newest release (you don't need anything else).

Rename sto_linux-amd64 -> sto and chmod +x it.

Make config.json in the same directory with content:

    "db_location": "varasto.db"

Now start the server (you may need to use sudo):

$ ./sto server
2019/08/02 12:35:04 bootstrap [INFO] generated nodeId: LCb0
2019/08/02 12:35:04 [INFO] node LCb0 (ver. dev) started

If everything seems to work, now stop it by pressing ctrl+c.

Now make it start on system boot (you may need to run this with sudo):

$ ./sto server install
Wrote unit file to /etc/systemd/system/varasto.service
Run to enable on boot & to start now:
        $ systemctl enable varasto
        $ systemctl start varasto
        $ systemctl status varasto

Just follow above instructions (again, you might need sudo).

After Varasto is started

Now you can navigate your browser to https://localhost/. (You'll have to approve the "insecure certificate" warning.)